
購物車總計 0 門課程


    • 課程好評 (0則)
    • 學分班
    • 原價 NT$ 5,000
      NT$ 4,500
    • 已額滿
    • 分享課程

    • Instructor: 金凱文 副教授

      E-mail: kekimble@ccu.edu.tw

      Phone: 05-272-0411 ext 31422

      Location: 國立中正大學 (嘉義縣民雄鄉大學路一段168號)

      Class Hour:

      週三 15:10-17:00

      課程概述:The purpose of this course is to provide each student with guidance and support in doing philosophical writing and presentation at the graduate level. We will focus on developing abilities in reading and understanding academic philosophical papers (English); learning to analyze and critically reflect upon and interact with philosophical concepts, theories, and arguments; and learning to draft acceptable quality philosophical essays/ papers and theses.
